The source code of Project Owl is on the Github now!

Project Owl was a small Grasshopper plugin that I developed during my master's study. However, some might have already noticed that I stopped working on it for a while. I was really passionate about this project (I am generally very interested in reality capturing), but when I lost my most up-to-date WIP source code, I lost the passion as well. The situation wasn't so great at that moment because I lost my MacBook at the same time. Yes, that's how I've lost the source code, and it was all because I didn't use the Github to back-up and share it with others.

Recently, I found out that some people actually visited my site to get the information about this tool. All the traffics were coming from the Grasshopper3D website (related post). So I thought why bury it deep in my computer when there are some other people who might need it? So I decided to upload the source code on the Github ( publically.

The code I've uploaded there is, as far as I remember, the very first working code which wasn't optimized at all in terms of its performance. So I assume there will be many bugs (I beg not to blame my poor coding skill too much), but I believe smart people can figure things out and update the code. I hope I can work on this code soon again as well.

[This article has been copied from The original article has been written on Aug 27, 2017, 9:29 AM]


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